Security at Kennewick Irrigation District

At Kennewick Irrigation District (KID), security is top of mind. In recent years, the district has participated in several staff safety trainings and implemented important new safety measures in its new building. KID has twice hosted Officer Philip Ball, a police-training specialist and owner of the Situational Awareness Institute, to train KID staff on active-shooter […]
Lessons From Madera Irrigation District’s Logo Redesign Campaign

Madera Irrigation District (MID) services 140,000 acres of land in north-central California, most of which is used for growing almonds, grapes, and pistachios. MID contracts with Central Valley Project, pulling water from the Friant Dam and Hensley Lake, and also holds pre-1914 water rights to local surface waters. Madera, California, a city of some 65,000 […]
Home-Grown Solutions

Water was a pillar of economic success in the West long before Idaho and its neighbors became states. It has allowed us to boast of highly fertile farmland, thriving energy production, efficient transportation for goods, and unmatched recreational opportunities. As perhaps the most precious and vital resource in the western United States, our water comes […]
Improving Flow Accountability at the Columbia Improvement District

The Columbia Improvement District (CID) in Boardman, Oregon, is working to maximize the capabilities of its water infrastructure with the goals of improving system efficiency and reliability to better serve district members. CID General Manager Mark Maynard has led an initiative to automate and improve efficiency throughout the CID system. The installation of McCrometer FPI […]
The Role of Archaeology in the Development of One of the Last Reclamation Reservoirs

To say that the Animas-La Plata (A-LP) Project faced a multitude of political and regulatory challenges and setbacks throughout its planning and construction is an understatement. In the nearly 60 years from the A-LP’s planning authorization in 1956 to the completion of construction in 2013, Congress passed both the National Environmental Policy Act and the […]
Sheffield Reservoir

With the recent completion of the Sheffield Reservoir, Central Plains Water Limited (CPWL) is realizing the next stage of its water enhancement plan for a section of underserved lands in New Zealand’s Canterbury Plains. The newly constructed reservoir is a lynchpin of the Sheffield Scheme, which will introduce surface water irrigation to farmers in the […]
A Case Study in Extending Canal Life at the Quincy-Columbia Basin Irrigation District

With water being a vital component of agricultural life in the Columbia basin, the Quincy-Columbia Basin Irrigation District (QCBID) has lined its canals to help minimize water loss and deliver water to the farmlands that need it. [siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Headline_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] QCBID is one of three irrigation districts operating the Columbia Basin Project, which brings water resources […]
Promoting Vegetation Management Safety at Alligare

Safety in vegetation management is a primary concern for irrigation district managers. For Alligare, a leader in aquatic vegetation management, safety is built into all its services. The company provides in-depth product safety information, application protocol, and in-the-field training to customers to ensure the best outcome for the environment and the applicator. Alligare’s Western U.S. […]
Managing Safety at Elephant Butte Irrigation District

Safety is a key concern for irrigation districts all over the world. With employees working outdoors near swift water and with large equipment, a number of things could go wrong. Delyce Maciel has been serving Elephant Butte Irrigation District (EBID) as the human resources and safety director for 91/2 years and has been successful in […]
Washington State Water Resources Association Honors Mike Schwisow

This past December at the Washington State Water Resources Association (WSWRA) Annual Conference, WSWRA past President Dave Solem presented the association’s Distinguished Service Award to Michael Schwisow in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the irrigation and water resources community. Mr. Solem noted, “Mike is highly respected and liked by those he works with. He […]