Highlighting western water leaders and providing a forum for irrigators and engineers to discuss solutions and technology.
making your voice heard
What we do at Irrigation Leader Magazine
Irrigation Leader is dedicated to the men and women providing water to irrigators in the 17 western states and beyond. Our interviews with irrigation district managers and personnel; supplier representatives; and leading local, state and federal government officials distill the issues of the day and offer real-world perspectives and insight.
Current Editions
Here are the latest editions of Irrigation Leader magazine. You can find previous months by selecting the desired edition under the Magazines tab or by visiting our archives here.

Volume 16 Issue 2 February
With an entitlement of 3.1 million acre-feet of Colorado River water per year, Southern California’s Imperial Irrigation District (IID) cannot be overlooked. What it does has a major effect on the river as a whole, which…

Volume 16 Issue 2 February
All water users in Arizona know the importance of conservation, and all are pursuing strategies to reduce water use. In our cover story this month, we speak with Ethan Orr of the University of Arizona Cooperative…

Volume 16 Issue 2 February
In our cover story this month, we speak with K. Webb Galbreath, the director of the Blackfeet Water Department. He tells us about how the Blackfeet Nation is making use of the water rights and funding it secured through…

Volume 16 Issue 2 February
In this month’s cover story, we speak with Judy Ridenour, who has been recognized—for the second time—as the natural resources district system’s director of the year. With 50 years of experience ranching in the Sandhills…

Volume 16 Issue 2 February
Wayne Pullan brings three decades of experience at the Bureau of Reclamation to his current role as the regional director of the Upper Colorado Basin Region. In our wide-ranging conversation in this month’s cover…

Volume 16 Issue 2 February
In our cover story this month, we interview Kelvin Weir, the
chairman of the Maerewhenua District Water Resource Company
(MDWRC). Active in irrigated agriculture in the region for
several decades, he tells us about how practices have changed and
how MDWRC is striving to make water use ever more efficient.
With an entitlement of 3.1 million acre-feet of Colorado River
water per year, Southern California’s Imperial Irrigation District
(IID) cannot be…

Volume 16 Issue 2 February
Tom Tebb is well known in Washington State for his good character—and for his success as the director of the Office of Columbia River (OCR) at the Washington State Department of Ecology. In our cover…

Volume 16 Issue 2 February
In this month’s cover story, we speak with Lyle Myler, the area manager of the Bureau of Reclamation’s Wyoming Area Office. He gives us a thorough survey of the region’s hydrological characteristics and the…
Jobs Board
Our website serves as a clearinghouse for requests for proposals and job listings published by water agencies and irrigation districts throughout the United States. We post jobs at no charge, in the Irrigation Leader, Hydro Leader, and Municipal Water Leader magazines and websites.