Number of employees: 165 Size of service area in acres: 1.6 million; about 600,000 irrigated Amount of water diverted per year for irrigation in acre-feet: 220,000 diverted on average with about 50 percent used for irrigation Main crops irrigated: Alfalfa, corn Predominant irrigation methods: Flood, pivot [siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Headline_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Jerry Gibbens Director of Operations Northern Water […]
Volume 13 Issue 8 September

The Equipment Issue By Kris Polly To build and maintain large networks of canals, laterals, and pipelines spanning many miles of territory, irrigation districts rely on fleets of vehicles and heavy equipment, which they must successfully and cost-effectively acquire, maintain, keep track of, and retire. This month, we focus on those assets. First, we […]
How the Middle Republic Natural Resources District Is Mapping the Ogallala Aquifer From the Air

When the Middle Republican Natural Resources District (MRNRD) in Nebraska wanted to get a better picture of its groundwater supplies, it hired Aqua Geo Frameworks to do an airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey. The district will use that information to better manage groundwater extraction and irrigated farming on the surface. In this interview, MRNRD Manager Jack […]
Mike Mills: At Reinke Manufacturing, Sustainability Is a Global Goal

Reinke’s irrigation systems can help growers save water while increasing yield. That, says Mike Mills, Reinke’s director of sustainability solutions, is a winning formula at a time when ending global hunger as well as conserving water are top worldwide sustainability goals. In this interview, Mr. Mills speaks with Irrigation Leader about Reinke’s approach to sustainability, […]
Raising Infrastructure Funds by Issuing a Bond: A Conversation With Matt Lukasiewicz

When a nonprofit group of three Reclamation and irrigation districts in central Nebraska needed project financing, it turned to bonds. In this interview, Irrigation Leader speaks with general manager Matt Lukasiewicz about the process of issuing a bond. [siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Headline_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Irrigation Leader: Please introduce yourself and tell us how you came to be in your […]
Volume 13 Issue 6 June

Updating Infrastructure, Securing Water Supplies, and Preserving Ag By Kris Polly For 100 years, the Roosevelt Irrigation District (RID) has brought groundwater from South Phoenix to irrigate a large agricultural area in the Avondale, Goodyear, and Buckeye areas of Arizona. Like many Phoenix-area irrigation entities, RID is grappling with the effects of urbanization, aging […]
Volume 13 Issue 6 June

An Advocate for Montana Irrigated Agriculture By Kris Polly With a background in engineering, water resources, and irrigation and as a principal and cofounder of Performance Engineering, Scott Aspenlieder’s background equips him perfectly for his role as the president of the Montana Water Resources Association (MWRA). In that role, he works to protect water […]
Volume 13 Issue 7 July/August

Bringing Experience to Water Conservation By Kris Polly In our cover feature this month, we interview Vicky Bloomer, the owner and director of DROP Consulting. Ms. Bloomer’s long experience with irrigated agriculture at the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, an irrigation company, and Irrigation New Zealand, has given her a multifaceted view of the climatic, […]
Volume 13 Issue 6 June

Seeing Irrigated Ag From the Family Farm Point of View By Kris Polly When we discuss irrigation, we often think of reservoirs, canals, siphons, and other large-scale infrastructure. But of course, all that is in place to serve producers. This month, we talk to the Sheehan family of central Washington, who run their dairy […]
Professor Daniele Zaccaria: Applying Science-Based Solutions to Growing Water Concerns in the Central Valley

At the University of California, Davis (UC Davis), and the University of California Cooperative Extension, researchers help growers adopt advanced water management solutions in the face of recurring drought and dwindling water supplies. In this interview, Irrigation Leader speaks with Daniele Zaccaria, an associate professor at UC Davis and an agricultural water management specialist at […]