Chris Gargan and Joel Irving: Providing Global Screening Solutions at International Water Screens

One challenge that is common to irrigation districts and water users worldwide is the need to remove debris and other substances from water while also protecting fish and other wildlife. Screens that can filter out debris without harming fish are important tools for doing just that. International Water Screens (IWS) is a global leader in […]
Worthington’s Offerings for New Zealand
New Zealand’s Otago region produces top-quality fruit, wines, crops, and livestock, and to do that, it needs water. In recent years, there have been persistent disagreements between the central government, the regional council, environmental interests, and community members about how to manage water in the catchment. Points of contention include how to distribute stored water, […]
Regional Councilor Gary Kelliher: Managing Water Use in the Otago Region

New Zealand’s Otago region produces top-quality fruit, wines, crops, and livestock, and to do that, it needs water. In recent years, there have been persistent disagreements between the central government, the regional council, environmental interests, and community members about how to manage water in the catchment. Points of contention include how to distribute stored water, […]
Reflections on the Tour Experience

from February 17–22, 2018, Irrigation Leader magazine, Rubicon Water, International Water Screens, and Alligare sponsored the 3rd Annual Irrigation Leader Magazine Irrigation Education Tour. This year, the tour returned to Victoria and New South Wales, Australia, to visit Goulburn-Murray Water, Coleambally Irrigation, and Murrumbidgee Irrigation. Stops on the tour included the Great Ocean Road, the […]
From Yuma to Lincoln

From September 8 to 15, 25 New Zealanders toured irrigation districts, natural resources districts, university research centers, and other sites in Colorado and Nebraska to learn more about irrigation and water management in the United States. [siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Headline_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] After flying into Denver, Colorado, the tour participants traveled 21/2 hours to Yuma, Colorado, to visit Agri-Inject […]
Nebraska Tour Generates New Ideas Among Kiwi Farmers and Irrigation Experts

Aparty of 25 New Zealand irrigators, farm and environmental consultants, and irrigation scheme and service industry representatives has returned from a trip to Nebraska with some fresh ideas about how to improve environmental management in New Zealand. The 5-day trip was organized by IrrigationNZ, a member-funded industry group that supports excellence in irrigation. The group, […]
Lower Mekong Initiative Cross-Cultural Water Resource Tour Comes to the Borderland

On the eve of southern New Mexico’s monsoon season, members of the International Leadership Visitor Program (IVLP), sponsored by the U. S. Department of State, spent the day with Elephant Butte Irrigation District (EBID) Treasurer/Manager Gary Esslinger and other water professionals learning about irrigation, agriculture, and environmental and water law practices. The IVLP works with […]
Irrigation Challenges in Australia

Irrigation districts in Australia face a variety of management and operational challenges not experienced by their American counterparts. Below is a small sampling of some of their more unique challenges. [siteorigin_widget class=”MetaSlider_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget]
Impressions of Australia

from February 17–22, 2018, Irrigation Leader magazine, Rubicon Water, International Water Screens, and Alligare sponsored the 3rd Annual Irrigation Leader Magazine Irrigation Education Tour. This year, the tour returned to Victoria and New South Wales, Australia, to visit Goulburn-Murray Water, Coleambally Irrigation, and Murrumbidgee Irrigation. Stops on the tour included the Great Ocean Road, the […]